Упражнения на действительный залог в английском. Тренировочные упражнения "Passive Voice". Если появились вопросы или несогласия

Сегодня мы рассмотрим с Вами правила употребления страдательного залога в английском языке. Грамматический феномен, по-английски называемый Passive Voice, на русский переводится как пассивный залог или страдательный залог.

Passive Voice правила употребления будут сопровождаться упражнениями на отработку. Начнем!

План статьи:

Что такое пассивный залог?

В английском языке залог указывает на то, выполняет ли подлежащее действие самостоятельно (активный / действительный залог), или действие совершается над ним (пассивный / страдательный залог). Таким образом, есть два залога:

  • Active Voice
  • Passive Voice

совершающий действие , то сказуемое употребляется в форме действительного залога.

My boss gave me a bonus. – Начальник выдал мне премию (начальник сам выдал).

The hurricane ruined his house. Ураган разрушил его дом (ураган сам разрушил).

Если подлежащее обозначает лицо или предмет, подвергающийся действию со стороны другого лица или предмета, сказуемое употребляется в форме страдательного залога.

I was given a bonus. – Мне дали премию

His house was ruined. – Его дом был разрушен.

Когда употребляется страдательный залог?

Существует мнение, что следует избегать употребления страдательного залога особенно в письменной речи, чтобы не усложнять высказывание. Это действительно так: не нужно употреблять страдательный залог там, где можно употребить действительный. Когда стоит употреблять пассивный залог? Есть несколько случаев:

  • Лицо / предмет, совершающее действие, неизвестно.

Our house was broken into last week. – Наш дом ограбили на прошлой неделе.

  • Лицо / предмет, совершающее действие, не важен.

The job will be finished by Monday. – Работа будет закончена к понедельнику.

  • Лицо / предмет, совершающее действие, очевиден из контекста.

My brother was fined for driving without license. – Моего брата оштрафовали за вождение без прав.

  • когда мы заинтересованы в действии, а не в деятеле (в новостях, инструкциях, заголовках, объявлениях).

The international exhibition of sport equipment will be held next month. – Международная выставка спортивного оборудования будет проведена в следующем месяце.

  • Для описания процесса приготовления, инструкция проведения исследований и пр.

Water is heated and added to the mixture. – Вода нагревается и добавляется к смеси.

  • В официальных объявлениях, в научных докладах.

Much research has been conducted on this topic. – Множество исследований было проведено по этой теме.

Прежде, чем перейти к следующему блоку правил, давайте закрепим полученную информацию и выполним упражнение.

Упражнение 1. Соотнесите предложения 1 - 8 с правилами употребления пассивного залога a - e.

1 – b/e, 2 - ? ...

  1. Smoking is not allowed in the reception room.
  2. Talks will be held in Stockholm next week.
  3. Fees must be paid in advance.
  4. The kidnappers have been arrested.
  5. Cars left here will be towed away.
  6. The research was carried out last year.
  7. The check must be signed.
  8. All the documents have been stolen.
  1. неизвестно, кто выполняет действие.
  2. неважно, кто выполняет действие.
  3. из контекста ясно, кто выполняет действие.
  4. газетный заголовок (название статьи), привлекающий внимание к происходящим событиям,
  5. описание процесса в инструкциях, научных работах, собственно инструкции, правила

Упражнение 2 . Подумайте, какое из предложений лучше использовать – в активном залоге или в пассивном.

  1. There’s going to be a big art exhibition.

a) A lot of visitors will be attracted to it

b) It will attract a lot of visitors.

2. Telephone is an apparatus with which people can talk to each other over long distances.

b) A. Bell invented the telephone.

3. Alexander Bell is a British inventor who went to live in Canada and then in the USA.

a) The telephone was invented by A. Bell.

b) A. Bell invented the telephone,

4. We’ve bought a new computer.

a) It can do the job much more quickly.

b) The job can be done much more quickly.

Образование форм Passive Voice

Временные формы страдательного залога образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола «to be» в соответствующем времени и смыслового глагола в форме причастия прошедшего времени Past Participle (третья форма глагола).

Таким образом, общая схема образования представлена на картинке:

Образование времен в пассивном залоге

Таблица временных форм пассивного залога:

A picture is painted

A picture is being painted

A picture has been painted

A picture was painted

A picture was being painted

A picture had been painted

A picture will be painted

A picture will have been painted

Future - in - the - Past

A picture would be painted

A picture would have been painted

Таким образом, при изменении времени в страдательном залоге изменяется только глагол «to be» , смысловой глагол имеет во всех временах одну и ту же форму – третью (Past Participle / Participle II.

Выбор временных форм пассивного залога осуществляется на основании тех же правил, что и соответствующих форм активного залога. Наречия времени могут служить маркерами при выборе необходимой формы.

Обратите внимание , что в пассивном залоге отсутствует группа времен Perfect Continuous, нет здесь и формы Future Continuous.

При образовании вопросов в пассивном залоге перед подлежащим ставится либо сам глагол «to be» в соответствующем времени, либо вспомогательный глагол употребляемого грамматического времени.

При образовании отрицательной формы частица not ставится:

1) либо после глагола «to be»

2) либо после вспомогательного глагола употребляемого грамматического времени.




He is not asked.

He was not asked

Не will be asked

Не won"t be asked

Will hе be asked

Не is being asked

Не is not being asked

Is hе being asked

He was being asked

He was not being asked

Was he being asked

He has been asked

He hasn’t been asked

Has he been asked

He had been asked

He hadn’t been asked

Had he been asked

На сайте есть упражнения на следующие времена страдательного залога:

Давайте немного попрактикуемся в использовании времен пассивного залога.

Упражнение 3 . Напишите нужную форму глагола do.

  1. The work ____________ at the moment.
  2. The work _______ by 2 o’clock tomorrow.
  3. The work _______ by the time you come home.
  4. The work _______ by the time he came home.
  5. The work __________ yet.
  6. The work ______ just ______.
  7. The work _________ while I was getting ready for classes.
  8. The work __________ two weeks later.
  9. The work __________ when I entered the room.

Упражнение 4 . Расскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в нужном времени пассивного или активного залога.

The College 1______ officially _________ (open) last week. The college campus 2_________ (build) around a main square. This is the heart of the college as all the paths and walkways lead out from this point. Car parking 3____________ (limit) and, in fact, students 4_________ (not encourage) to come by car as the college 5______________ (serve) by a new bus service. The college 6 _______ (situate) outside the city that’s why it 7________ (be) necessary to include major facilities like banks, shops and post office.

There 8______ (be) already two open days and a third open 9______ (plan) for next week. So whether you want to start studying or not why don’t you go out to Hardacre and see everything it has to offer.

Как перевести предложение из активного залога в пассивный?

Для перевода предложения из активного залога в пассивный нужно предпринять несколько шагов.

  1. Находим в предложении подлежащее и дополнение.

Somebody has stolen my car .

Somebody – подлежащее, my car – дополнение.

  1. Определяем время предложения.

В нашем случае это Present Perfect.

  1. Образуем предложение в пассивном залоге. Дополнение становиться на место подлежащего. Для правильного образования временной формы ставим глагол to be во время исходного предложения и прибавляем третью форму смыслового глагола.

My car has been stolen.

Иногда в предложении есть 2 дополнения, соответственно мы можем сделать несколько вариантов предложений в страдательном залоге.

My brother gave me a dictionary . (Два дополнения – me и a dictionary)

I was given a dictionary.

A dictionary was given to me.

Предпочтительным является первый вариант, в котором подлежащее выражено одушевленным местоимением, но оба варианта допустимы.

С двумя дополнениями употребляются следующие глаголы:

А теперь немного практики.

Упражнение 5. Преобразуйте предложения из активного залога в пассивный.

  1. They are now building new hospitals in the provinces.
  2. Will they publish her new novel next year?
  3. They will have completed the new petrol station by winter.
  4. The police have just arrested Jimmy on suspicion of murder.
  5. They cut the gas off because Mr. and Mrs. Green hadn’t paid their bill.
  6. They will open a new hotel next week.
  7. Our managers discuss important matters every Tuesday.
  8. The government closed the plant last year.

Упражнение 6 . Преобразуйте предложения из пассивного залога в активный, добавив лицо либо предмет, совершающего действие, где это необходимо.

  1. Return tickets should have been reserved two weeks ago.
  2. Two single rooms had been booked for the friends by their travel agent.
  3. The pyramids are being ruined by the tourists.
  4. The new sofa will have been delivered by noon.
  5. When will Molly be told the time of his arrival?
  6. Why hasn’t my car been repaired yet?
  7. An ancient settlement has been uncovered by archaeologists.
  8. Hundreds of rare birds are killed every day.
  9. The picnic was ruined by bad weather.
  10. Who were these roses planted for?

Употребление предлогов by, with в Passive Voice

Предлоги by и with употребляются при необходимости упоминания лица или предмета, осуществляющего действие, а также предмета, являющегося инструментом действия или материалом, с помощью которого действие производится

Предлог by используется, чтобы сказать, что или кто выполнил действие.

The cake was cooked by my Granny.

Предлог with употребляется для того, чтобы рассказать какой инструмент или материал был использован.

The bread was cur with a knife.

Мы уже знаем, что в Passive Voice можно и вовсе не употреблять предлоги by и with, так как упоминание действующего лица и тем более материала или инструмента необязательно.

Однако в вопросительных конструкциях в пассивном залоге, начинающихся с who (кем?) и иногда с what (чем?) всегда присутствует предлог by.

Who was the Mona Lisa painted by? – Кем была написана Мона Лиза?

What was the flood caused by? – Чем было вызвано наводнение.

Обратите внимание, что возможна и такая форма постановки вопроса, когда предлог стоит на первом месте, что более характерно для официального стиля.

By whom was Australia discovered?

By what was the flood caused?

With what was the window broken?

Давайте немного попрактикуемся!

Упражнение 7 . Заполните пропуски предлогами with или by.

  1. In his childhood Tom used to be beaten ____ a stick.
  2. My parents were married ____ a priest.
  3. Molly’s bedroom wall was covered ____ posters.
  4. The house was surrounded ___ flowerbeds.
  5. His shorts were covered ___ mud.
  6. Tom had been stabbed ___ a penknife.
  7. The deer was shot ___ a hunter ___ rifle.
  8. Soup is eaten ___ a spoon.
  9. The new swimming pool has been just opened ___ the mayor.
  10. During the robbery, the manager was hit ____ a baseball bat.
  11. Extra training was provided ____ the company.
  12. This story was written ___ Agatha Christie.
  13. The bear was shot ____ a gun.
  14. Trained dogs are used ____ the police.
  15. The hall was decorated _____ pink and purple balloons.
  16. University laboratories are equipped _____ up-to-date devices.
  17. Rare books, issued ____ British publishers, are being shown at the exhibition.

Модальные глаголы в пассивном залоге.

Если в состав сказуемого в активном залоге входят модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты, то в страдательном залоге это сказуемое будет выглядеть следующим образом:

модальный глагол + be + Past Participle

We must finish work in May. (Мы должны закончить работу в мае.) – Our work must be finished in May.

You can buy this book in any bookshop. (Вы можете купить эту книгу в любом книжном магазине.) – This book can be bought in any bookshop.

Обратите внимание, что после глаголов hear, help, make (в значении «заставлять»), see в страдательных оборотах следует инфинитив с частицей to.

I was made to wash the dishes. – Меня заставили помыть посуду.

Molly will be helped to finish her project. – Молли помогут завершить ее проект.

Ответы к упражнениям.

Упражнение 1.

1 – b/е, 2 – b/d, 3 – е, 4 – с,d, 5 – b/е, 6 – b, 7 – c/е, 8 — a

Упражнение 2 .

1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – b, 4 — a

Упражнение 3.

1 is being done, 2 will be done, 3 will have been done, 4 had been done, 5 hasn’t been done, 6 has just been done, 7 was being done, 8 will be done, 9 was being done

Упражнение 4.

1 was officially opened, 2 is/was built, 3 is limited, 4 are not encouraged, 5 is served, 6 is situated, 7 has been, 8 have already been, 9 is planned

Упражнение 5.

  1. New hospitals are now being built in the provinces.
  2. Will her new novel be published next year?
  3. The new petrol station will have been completed by winter.
  4. Jimmy has just been arrested on suspicion of murder.
  5. The gas was cut off because the bill hadn’t been paid by Mr. and Mrs. Green.
  6. A new hotel will be opened next week.
  7. Important matters are discussed (by our managers) every Tuesday.
  8. The plant was closed last year.

Упражнение 6.

  1. We should have reserved return tickets two weeks ago.
  2. The travel agent had booked two single rooms for the friends.
  3. The tourists are ruining the pyramids.
  4. They will have delivered the sofa by noon.
  5. When will Tom tell Molly the time of his arrival?
  6. Why haven’t you repaired my car yet?
  7. Archaeologists have uncovered an ancient settlement.
  8. People kill hundreds of rare birds every day.
  9. Bad weather ruined the picnic.
  10. For whom did you plant these roses?

Упражнение 7.

1 with, 2 by, 3 with, 4 with, 5 with, 6 with, 7 by,with, 8 with, 9 by, 10 with, 11 by, 12 by, 13 with, 14 by, 15 with, 16 with, 17 by

Надеюсь, эти правила и упражнения помогли Вам разобраться в теме The Passive Voice.


Разработка тренировочных упражнений с ответами по грамматике английского языка к теме «Пассивный Залог (Passive Voice )»

для уч ащихся 9-х классов общеобразовательных школ


учитель английского языка:

Коренева Юлия Михайловна

г. Москва


    Translate from English into Russian. Underline Passive Constructions: Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive.

    This book was sold

    They will be met by their uncle and aunt at the airport.

    London is visited by thousands of tourists every year, isn’t it?

    Why is this documentary talked about so much?

    American president Abraham Lincoln was killed at the theatre.

    Current news is shown on television every evening.

    Famous people are often spied by paparazzi.

    Why is he being laughed at?

    When we arrived they were being asked about their trip to England.

    Which document was being typed when you came in?

    Look! The contract is being printed.

    His offer was being discussed when he called.

    What tune is being played? I can’t recognize it.

    We didn’t know that the new program had already been broadcast.

    After the speaker had been interrupted he stopped to collect his thoughts.

    This serial has been talked about a lot lately.

    Maria is happy. She has been accepted by an English University.

    May I invite you to the banquet room where some food and refreshments have been served?

    I actually felt quite depressed after the threatening news has been announced.

    The teacher … asked a question at the moment.

    He … paid a lot of money as soon as he does the job.

    He said Peter … invited to the party.

    Look! A Christmas tree … decorated.

    I hope our misunderstanding … … forgotten very quickly.

    I’m so angry because my party … spoiled by Max’s rudeness.

    The six ravens … kept in the Tower of London now for centuries.

    She had read all the books which … translated into English.

    Mike showed the letter to his mother.

    May I help you, sir? – No, thank you. They are already serving me.

    They were broadcasting a new documentary at 5 p.m. yesterday.

    They offered tourists a free sightseeing trip.

    They will hold interviews in September.

    By 2014 this author had written two major novels.

    The Smiths have sold their cottage this month.

    I hear that they are making a new full-length cartoon based on Russian fairy-tails.

    ЕГЭ .

The Loch Ness Monster.

1. The story of the Loch Ness monster began in 1933 when it __________ for the first time.

2. Since then it _________ at least once every year

3. and __________ many times.


4. The first photo ______ by a local man in November, 1933.


5. On the occasion, large brown eyes _____

6. and horns _______several times..


7 . Ears ____________ yet.


8. The monster, however, ___________


9. and probably never____________


10. It ______ that it sometimes leaves the Loch


11. and a few days ago it ______ running along the main road not far from a café.

12. Occasionally two monsters _________ at the same time.


13. It _____ whether they are father and son, husband and wife, or perhaps monster and girl-friend.


14. But the monster and its activities ____still a mystery.



    Translate from English into Russian. Underline Passive Constructions: Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive .

    This book was sold two month ago. — Past Simple Passive

    They will be met by their uncle and aunt at the airport.-FS

    London is visited by thousands of tourists every year, isn’t it?- PrS

    Why is this documentary talked about so much?- PrS

    American president Abraham Lincoln was killed at the theatre.- PS

    Current news is shown on television every evening.- PrS

    Famous people are often spied by paparazzi.- PrS

    Translate from English into Russian. Underline Passive Constructions: Present Progressive Passive, Past Progressive Passive.

    Why is he being laughed at ?- Present Progressive Passive

    When we arrived they were being asked about their trip to England. — PPrP

    Which document was being typed when you came in?- PPrP

    Look! The contract is being printed .- PrPrP

    His offer was being discussed when he called.- PPrP

    What tune is being played ? I can’t recognize it.- PrPrP

    Translate from English into Russian. Underline Passive Constructions: Present Perfect Passive, Past Perfect Passive.

    We didn’t know that the new program had already been broadcast . — PPerfP

    After the speaker had been interrupted he stopped to collect his thoughts. PPerfP

    This serial has been talked about a lot lately. — PrPerfP

    Maria is happy. She has been accepted by an English University.- PrPerfP

    May I invite you to the banquet room where some food and refreshments have been served ? — PrPerfP

    I actually felt quite depressed after the threatening news has been announced . — PrPerfP

    Put the verb to be in the correct form in Passive Voice.

    The teacher is being asked a question at the moment.

    He will be paid a lot of money as soon as he does the job.

    He said Peter had been invited to the party.

    Look! A Christmas tree is being decorated.

    I hope our misunderstanding will be forgotten very quickly.

    I’m so angry because my party has been spoiled by Max’s rudeness.

    The six ravens have been kept in the Tower of London now for centuries.

    She had read all the books which were translated into English.

    Make the sentences in Passive Voice.

    Mike showed the letter to his mother. – The letter was shown to mother by Mike.

    May I help you, sir? – No, thank you. They are already serving me. – I’m already being served.

    They were broadcasting a new documentary at 5 p.m. yesterday. – A new documentary was being broadcast at 5 p.m. yesterday.

    They offered tourists a free sightseeing trip. –A free sightseeing trip was offered to tourists. / Tourists were offered a free sightseeing trip.

    They will hold interviews in September. — Interviews will be hold by them in September.

    By 2014 this author had written two major novels. – Two major novels had been written by this author by 2014.

    The Smiths have sold their cottage this month. – The cottage has been sold by the Smiths this month.

    I hear that they are making a new full-length cartoon based on Russian fairy-tails. — I hear that a new full-length cartoon based on Russian fairy-tails is being made.

    ЕГЭ . Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs in capital letters.

The Loch Ness Monster.

1. The story of the Loch Ness monster began in 1933 when it WAS SEEN for the first time.

2. Since then it HAS BEEN SEEN at least once every year

3. and HAS BEEN PHOTOGRAPHED many times.


4. The first photo WAS TAKEN by a local man in November, 1933.


5. On the occasion, large brown eyes WERE SEEN

6. and horns WERE REPORTED several times..




8. The monster, however, IS NOT FORGOTTEN


9. and probably never WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN


10. It IS KNOWN that it sometimes leaves the Loch


11. and a few days ago it WAS SEEN running along the main road not far from a café.

12. Occasionally two monsters ARE NOTICED at the same time.


13. It IS NOT KNOWN whether they are father and son, husband and wife, or perhaps monster and girl-friend.


14. But the monster and its activities ARE still CONSIDERED a mystery.



    Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М. Английский язык-5й год обучения. Рабочая тетрадь. Москва: Дрофа, 2011.

    Фурсенко С.В. Английский язык. Тесты. 9 класс. Москва: Дрофа, 2002.

    Бондарева В.В. Английская грамматика в забавных рассказах. Спб: Каро, 2006

    Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю. Совершенствуй свой английский. Москва: Титул, 1999.

На этой страничке вы можете выполнить упражнения на страдательный залог в английском языке. Как всегда, с ответами в конце.

Первое задание попроще и подойдет для учеников 7-8 классов. Второе и третье требуют уже лучших навыков в использования Passive Voice - поэтому будут полезны для детей 9-х классов и всем, кто готовится к любым типам экзаменов на английском. Кстати, кроме упражнений вы можете пройти онлайн-тест по данной теме.

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму

  1. This book (write) many years ago.
  2. His car (break) so he had to take a taxi.
  3. This castle (build) in the 16th century.
  4. I’ve missed the news block! When it (repeat)?
  5. This dress is brand new, it never (wear).
  6. I am reading a book while my car (repair).
  7. At what time the dinner usually (serve) here?
  8. To my great surprise the problem (solve) yet.

Упражнение 2. Составьте предложения, расставив слова в нужном порядке

  1. the not to letter the has been report According delivered still.
  2. A accessories with room is various decorated.
  3. in was He 1984 born.
  4. already have said Many about been love words.
  5. light and was sunshine due The to house large with windows filled.
  6. his after Mark named grandfather was.
  7. grown tomatoes in These the countryside are.
  8. on held the each This last is summer fest weekend year.

Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя страдательный залог

  1. Когда была куплена эта книга?
  2. Они были расстроены, потому что проиграли.
  3. Эта песня была прослушана 10 раз на данный момент.
  4. Обычно, когда мой отец приходит домой, ужин уже готов.
  5. Нужно чистить зубы минимум 2 раза в день.
  6. Когда я пришла в магазин, туфли еще не были проданы.
  7. Москва была основана в 1147 году.
  8. Ее мечты были разрушены из-за его ответа.


  1. was written
  2. was broken
  3. was built
  4. will it be repeated
  5. has never been worn
  6. is being repaired
  7. is the dinner usually served
  8. has not been solved
  1. According to the report the letter has not been still delivered.
  2. A room is decorated with various accessories.
  3. He was born in 1984.
  4. Many words have been already said about love.
  5. The house was filled with light and sunshine due to large windows.
  6. Mark was named after his grandfather.
  7. These tomatoes are grown in the countryside.
  8. This fest is held each year on the last summer weekend.
  1. When was this book bought?
  2. They were upset because they had been defeated.
  3. This song has been listened to 10 times by this moment.
  4. Usually the dinner is cooked when my father comes home.
  5. Teeth should be cleaned at least 2 times a day.
  6. When I came to the shop, shoes had not been sold yet.
  7. Moscow was founded in 1147.
  8. Her dreams were shattered by his answer.

Тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме:
разработка-подборка дополнительных упражнений на страдательный залог английского языка

подборка дополнительных упражнений на страдательный залог (8-9 класс общеобразовательной школы)- источники Голицынский,Бонк,Игнатьева

Предварительный просмотр:

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

1. Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 3. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week. 4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5. I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday. 6. Many houses (to build) in our town every year. 7. This work (to do) tomorrow. 8. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 9. These trees (to plant) last autumn. 10. Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons. 11. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow. 12. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. 13. My question (to answer) yesterday. 14. Hockey (to play) in winter. 15. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 16. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London. 17. His new book (to finish) next year. 18. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 19. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.

Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice, обращая внимание на место предлога.

E.g. We often speak about her. - She is often spoken about.

1. We thought about our friend all the time. 2. The doctor will operate on him in a week. 3. The teacher sent for the pupil’s parents. 4. They looked for the newspaper everywhere. 5. Nobody slept in the bed. 6. The neighbour asked for the telegram. 7. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention. 8. The senior students laughed at the freshman. 9. The group spoke to the headmistress yesterday. 10. The young mothers looked after their babies with great care. 11. Nobody lived in that old house. 12. They sent for Jim and told him to prepare a report on that subject.

Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

E.g. Mother waters the flowers in the evening.

The flowers are watered in the evening (by Mother)

1. A marble pavillion protects the house. 2. The boys will paint the roof of the house. 3. Tom Sawyer whitewashed the fence. 4. Her daughters gave her three beautiful dishes as a birthday present. 5. Tom gave Nick a book for his birthday. 6. Our mother tells us stories every evening. 7. Lydia will show you a new book of pictures. 8. A boy showed her the way. 9. They will send us a box of fruit. 10. Five or six small children followed them. 11. In summer the boys often drive the horses to the fields. 12. Ivan Susanin led the Poles into the thickest part of the forest. 13. The waves carried the boat away. 14. We shall do the translation in the evening. 15. They water the flowers regularly. 16. You promised me these books long ago, 17. Bessie’s father gave her a complete set of Walter Scott’s works. 18. Irene’s husband brought her some beautiful shells from the south. 19. The explorers gave the newspaper reporters a long interview. 20. Mr. Wilson will teach you English. 21. The doctor ordered me a month’s rest from studying.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Active или Passive Voice.

1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday. 2. The telegram (to receive) tomorrow. 3. He (to give) me this book next week. 4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia. 5. We (to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation. 6. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in this book. 7. Budapest (to divide) by the Danube into two parts: Buda and Pest. 8. Yuri Dolgoruki (to found) Moscow in 1147. 9. Moscow University (to found) by Lomonosov. 10. We (to call) Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation.

Предварительный просмотр:

V1 Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1. At twelve o’clock the workers were loading the trucks. 2. By three o’clock the workers had loaded the trucks. 3. We send our daughter to rest in the south every year. 4. They will show this film on TV. 5. They are building a new concert-hall in our street. 6. They have made a number of important experiments in this laboratory. 7. Livingstone explored Central Africa in the 19th century.8. By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees. 9. They will stage this play at the beginning of next season. 10. They have forgotten the story. 11. Has anybody explained the rules of the game to you? 12. They haven’t brought back my skates.

V2 Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1. I bought potatoes yesterday. 2. We shall bring the books tomorrow. 3. They are repairing the clock now. 4. They sell milk in this shop. 5. I have translated the whole text. 6. They broke the window last week. 7. When I came home, they had eaten the sweets. 8. We shall do the work in the evening. 9. He wrote this book in the 19th century. 10. They were playing tennis from four till five. 11. He stole a lot of money from the shop. 12. By six o’clock they had finished the work.

V3 Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1. The students greeted the famous lecturer warmly. 2. They have recently built a huge plant, in the town of N. 3. We must finish the work by tomorrow. 4. When I fell ill, my mother sent for the doctor. 5. They looked for the girl everywhere. 6. They did not listen to the boy. 7. She looks after the patients well. 8. They asked for our address. 9. My father looked through these papers this morning. 10. He will give my brother English lessons. 11. A friend of his has shown me an interesting magazine. 12. His friend told him everything.

V4 Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1. They showed Helen the nearest way to the theatre. 2. He gave his patient some good advice. 3. Mary has told me the news. 4. The people looked at the little boy with interest.5. They examined the paper attentively. 6. We asked him about his holidays. 7. They have already discussed the novel. 8. He did not give me his address. 9. She showed him the way to the metro station. 10. He will introduce me to his friends. 11. They are building a bridge over the river. 12. I haven’t yet translated the article.

V5 Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1. We turn on the light when it is dark. 2. The students finished their translation in time. 3. Helen washed the dishes. 4. Betty often took her younger brother for a walk. 5. Mother has made some coffee. 6. Have you ironed your dress yet? 7. Nina mispronounced this word. 8. They have told her the truth. 9. She promised us an interesting entertainment. 10. One uses chalk for writing on the blackboard. 11. I shall finish my work about seven o’clock. 12. Somebody has opened the door.

V6 Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1. They did not invite her to the party. 2. I did not leave the window open. 3. They did not turn off the light. 4. I have invited some friends to tea 5. She has given me an English book. 6. Have you written the letter yet? 7. They have told us a lot о S interesting things. 8. The students have written the test-paper without mistakes. 9. The children have scattered about a lot of things. 10. The girl has put all the books into the bookcase. 11. Snow, will cover the fields in winter. 12. They will hand in the homework tomorrow.

Пассивный (страдательный) залог упражнения

1. Составьте предложения в пассивном залоге.

Например: 10 schools/ build/last year. – 10 schools were built last year. (10 школ было построено в прошлом году.)

  • 1. The museum/open/in 2005. (Музей был открыт в 2005 г.)
  • 2. 3000 books/sell/every week. (3000 книг продается каждую неделю.)
  • 3. The parcel/deliver/tomorrow morning. (Посылку доставят завтра утром.)
  • 4. The flight/not cancel/because of the rain. (Рейс не отменили из-за дождя.)
  • 5. This wine/not produce/next year. (Это вино не будет производиться в следующем году.)
  • 6. Paper/make/from wood. (Бумагу изготовляют из дерева.)
  • 7. Coffee/not grow/in Russia. (Кофе не выращивают в России.)
  • 8. The New Year tree/decorate/last night. (Елку украсили вчера вечером.)
  • 9. The airport/surround/by soldiers. (Аэропорт окружен солдатами.)
  • 10. I/tell/to keep silent. (Мне сказали молчать.)

2. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму пассивного залога Present Simple.

Например: Their first child … in Paris. (bring up) – Their first child is brought up in Paris. (Их первый ребенок воспитывается в Париже.)

1. Ice hockey … in Canada. (play) (В хоккей на льду играют в Канаде.)
2. The money … in the safe. (keep) (Деньги хранятся в сейфе.)
3. Chicken sandwiches … for children. (make) (Сэндвичи с курицей готовят для детей.)
4. The washing-machine … every day. (use) (Стиральная машина используется каждый день.)
5. All his holidays … in the countryside. (spend) (Все его отпуска проводятся в сельской местности.)

3. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму пассивного залога Past Simple.

Например: Your credit card … on the floor. (find) – Your credit card was found on the floor. (Твоя кредитная карточка была найдена на полу.)

1. The monuments … in 1943. (ruin) (Памятники были разрушены в 1943.)
2. A big bunch of flowers … for her birthday. (send) (Большой букет цветов был послан к ее Дню рождения.)
3. The novel «War and peace» … by Leo Tolstoy. (write) (Роман «Война и мир» был написан Львом Толстым.)
4. The famous painting «Sunflowers» … by Van Gogh. (paint) (Знаменитая картина «Подсолнухи» была написана Ван Гогом.)
5. The coats … in the wardrobe. (leave) (Пальто были оставлены в гардеробе.)

4. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму пассивного залога Present Perfect.

Например: The tickets … . (sell) – The tickets have been sold. (Билеты проданы.)

1. He … after a fight in a nightclub. (arrest) (Его арестовали после драки в ночном клубе.)
2. My son … the Medal of courage. (award) (Моего сына наградили Медалью за мужество.)
3. Your tea and biscuits … . (serve) (Ваши чай и печенье поданы.)
4. Thousands of new cars … this year. (manufacture) (Тысячи новых автомобилей выпущены в этом году.)
5. Our flight … . (delay) (Наш рейс отложили.)

5. Измените предложения в активном залоге на пассивный залог, обращая внимание на грамматическое время глагола. Используйте предлог by.

Например: French priests built this cathedral. (Французские монахи построили этот собор.) – This cathedral was built by French priests. (Этот собор был построен французскими монахами.)

1. The headmaster sent a letter. (Директор школы прислал письмо.)
2. Our children will organize the Christmas party next Friday. (Наши дети организуют Рождественский вечер в следующую пятницу.)
3. Mary trains the dogs in the garden. (Мэри дрессирует собак в саду.)
4. Mrs. Simpson has cleaned all the windows today. (Миссис Симпсон помыла все окна сегодня.)
5. Frank has packed the suitcase. (Фрэнк упаковал чемодан.)
6. Bob paid the bills. (Боб оплатил счета.)
7. The doctor will examine her tomorrow. (Доктор осмотрит ее завтра.)
8. My granny paints the door every year. (Моя бабушка красит дверь каждый год.)

1. The museum was opened in 2005.
2. 3000 books are sold every week.
3. The parcel will be delivered tomorrow morning.
4. The flight wasn’t canceled because of the rain. (или: The flight hasn’t been canceled because of the rain.)
5. This wine will not (won’t) be produced next year.
6. Paper is made from wood.
7. Coffee is not grown in Russia.
8. The New Year tree was decorated last night.
9. The airport is surrounded by soldiers. (или: The airport has been surrounded by soldiers.)
10. I was told to keep silent. (или: I have been told to keep silent.)

  • is played
  • is kept (money – существительное ед.ч.)
  • are made
  • is used
  • are spent
  • were ruined
  • was sent
  • was written
  • was painted
  • were left
  • has been arrested
  • has been awarded
  • have been served
  • have been manufactured
  • has been delayed

1. A letter was sent by the headmaster.
2. The Christmas party will be organized by our children next Friday.
3. The dogs are trained by Mary in the garden.
4. All the windows have been cleaned by Mrs. Simpson today.
5. The suitcase has been packed by Frank.
6. The bills were paid by Bob.
7. She will be examined by the doctor tomorrow.
8. The door is painted by my granny every year.

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Упражнение 1.

Passive Voice .

1. They teach three foreign languages at this school.

2. We received this letter after his departure.

3. Have dogs ever attacked you?

4. Bees gather honey from flowers.

5. The storm drove the ship against a rock.

6. Who discovered the circulation of blood?

7. They are selling delicious fruit ice cream there now.

8. The old man showed us the way out of the wood.

9. They offered her some interesting work.

10. The doctor prescribed her new medicine.

11. They don’t think much of him.

12. Everybody laughed at this funny animal.

13. We have been looking for you the whole morning.

14. We shall insist on strict discipline.

15. He has just written this computer program.


1. They teach three foreign languages at this school. - Three foreign languages are taught at this school.

2. We received this letter after his departure. - This letter was received after his departure.

3. Have dogs ever attacked you? - Have you ever been attacked by dogs?

4. Bees gather honey from flowers. - Honey is gathered from flowers by bees.

5. The storm drove the ship against a rock. - The ship was driven against a rock.

6. Who discovered the circulation of blood? - Whom was the circulation of blood discovered by?

7. They are selling delicious fruit ice cream there now. - Delicious fruit ice cream is being sold there now.

8. The old man showed us the way out of the wood. - We were shown the way out of the wood (by the old man).

9. They offered her some interesting work. - She was offered some interesting work.

10. The doctor prescribed her new medicine. - She was prescribed new medicine.

11. They don’t think much of him. - He is not much thought of.

12. Everybody laughed at this funny animal. - This funny animal was laughed at by everybody.

13. We have been looking for you the whole morning. - You have been looked for the whole morning.

14. We shall insist on strict discipline. - Strict discipline will be insisted on.

15. He has just written this computer program. - This computer program has just been written.

Упражнение 2.

Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice , обращая внимание на место предлога.

We speak very highly of her. - She is very highly spoken of.

1. The senior students laughed at the freshman.

2. The group spoke to the headmistress yesterday.

3. These young mothers looked after their babies with great care.

4. Nobody lived in that old house.

5. They sent for Jim and told him to prepare a report on that subject.

6. We thought about our friend all the time.

7. The doctor will operate on him in a week.

8. The teacher sent for the pupil’s parents.

9. They looked for the newspaper everywhere.

10. Nobody slept in the bed.

11. The neighbour asked for the telegram.

12. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention.

13. They often talk about the weather.


1. The freshman was laughed at.

2. The headmistress was spoken to yesterday.

3. The babies were looked after with great care.

4. That old house was not lived in.

5. Jim was sent for and told to prepare a report on that subject.

6. Our friend was thought about all the time.

7. He will be operated on in a week.

8. The pupil’s parents were sent for.

9. The newspaper was looked for everywhere.

10. The bed was not slept in.

11. The telegram was asked for.

12. The lecturer was listened to with great attention.

13. The weather is often talked about.

Упражнение 3.

Переделайте предложения в пассив.

1. They looked for the girl everywhere. 2. They did not listen to the boy. 3. She looks after the patients well. 4. They asked for our address. 5. My father looked through these papers this morning. 6. He will give my brother English lessons. 7. Afriend of his has shown me an interesting magazine. 8. His friend told him everything. 9. The students greeted the famous lecturer warmly. 10. They have recently built a huge plant in the town of N. 11. We must finish the work by tomorrow. 12. When I fell ill, my mother sent for the doctor. 13. They showed Helen the nearest way to the theatre. 14. He gave his patient some good advice. 15. Mary has told me the news. 16. The people looked at the little boy with interest. 17. They examined the paper attentively. 18. Mother is teaching her daughter to cook now.


1. The girl was looked for everywhere. 2. The boy was not listened to. 3. The patients are looked after well. 4. Our address was asked for. 5. These papers were looked through this morning. 6. My brother will be given English lessons. 7. I have been shown an interesting magazine. 8. He was told everything (by his friend). 9. The famous lecturer was warmly greeted by the students. 10. A huge plant has recently been built in the town of N. 11. The work must be finished by tomorrow. 12. When I fell ill, the doctor was sent for. 13. Helen was shown the nearest way to the theatre. 14. His patient was given some good advice. 15. I have been told the news (by Mary). 16. The little boy was looked at with interest. 17. The paper was examined attentively. 18. Her daughter is being taught to cook now.

Упражнение 4.

Переведите предложения на английский.

1. Все телеграммы отправлены? - Нет еще, половина телеграмм отправлена вчера. Остальные, кроме трех, напечатаны. Последние сейчас печатают. Их напечатают минут через двадцать.

2. Много домов было разрушено в Киеве во время войны; большинство из них восстановлено, и много новых строится сейчас.

3. Когда журналист приехал в Ташкент после землетрясения, там восстанавливалось много школ и других общественных зданий. Сейчас Ташкент - город с широкими зелеными улицами, жилыми кварталами, с общественными зданиями, современными магазинами. Они были построены за последние 20 лет.

4. Переговоры все еще ведутся? - Как сообщается в печати, они подходят к концу. Но соглашение еще не достигнуто до сих пор.

5. На эту книгу сейчас большой спрос. Но если вы хотите купить ее, идите в книжный магазин. Она сейчас там продается.

6. Не входите в комнату. Сейчас экзаменуют студента Петрова. Его экзаменуют уже 20 минут.

7. Что происходит в библиотеке? - Там сейчас обсуждаются новые книги. Их обсуждают уже час.

8. Преподаватель попросил студента выучить это правило самостоятельно, так как оно было уже объяснено. «Вы были невнимательны, когда это правило объяснялось»,- сказал он.

9. Мой отец родился в 1926 году. Ему было 17 лет, когда он добровольцем ушел в армию в 1943 году. Его несколько раз награждали
за храбрость. Он был ранен и долго лечился после войны. Война оставила след в жизни каждой семьи. Брат моей матери был убит на фронте.


1. Have all the telcgrammes been sent off? - Not yet. Half o f the telegrammes were sent off yesterday. The rest o f them, except three, have
been typed. The last ones are being typed now. They will be typed in twenty minutes.

2. Many houses were destroyed in Kiev during the war, most of them have been rebuilt and many new ones are being built now.

3. When the reporter came to Tachkent after the earhquake many schools and other public facilities were being rebuilt. Today Tashkent is a city with broad green streets, blocks o f flats, office buildings and modem shops. They have been built over the past twenty years.

4. Are the negotiations still being conducted? - According to the press they are coming to an end. No agreement has been reached so far.

5. This book is now in great demand. But if you want to buy it, go to the bookshop. It’s being sold there now.

6 . Don’t enter the room. Student Petrov is being examined now. He has been examined for twenty minutes.

7. What’s happening in the library now? - New books are being discussed. They have been discussed for an hour.

8. The teacher asked the student to learn the rule by himself as it has already been explained. ’’You were not attentive when this rule was being explained”, he said.

9. My father was bom in 1926. He was seventeen when he volunteered for the army in 1943. He was awarded several times for bravery. He was wounded and went through a long recovery after the war. The war has left a mark in the life o f every family. My mother’s brother was killed in action.

Упражнение 5.

Вставьте глаголы в пассиве.

Come in and have your milk. It (to keep) hot for you long. - It has been hot for you long.

  1. This room (not use) last year.
  2. The children are very excited this morning, They (take) to the theatre tonight.
  3. My keys (return) to me. They (pick up) in the street.
  4. Bicycles must not (leave) in the hall.
  5. He (take) to hospital tomorrow and (operate on) the day after tomorrow.
  6. There was nobody on the road, but the girl was afraid. She thought she (follow).
  7. Your dress is dirty. It must (clean).


Упражнение 6.

Преобразуйте предложения из активного залога в пассивный.

  1. They are now building new hospitals in the provinces.
  2. Will they publish her new novel next year?
  3. They will have completed the new petrol station by winter.
  4. The police have just arrested Jimmy on suspicion of murder.
  5. They cut the gas off because Mr. and Mrs. Green hadn’t paid their bill.
  6. They will open a new hotel next week.
  7. Our managers discuss important matters every Tuesday.
  8. The government closed the plant last year.


  1. New hospitals are now being built in the provinces.
  2. Will her new novel be published next year?
  3. The new petrol station will have been completed by winter.
  4. Jimmy has just been arrested on suspicion of murder.
  5. The gas was cut off because the bill hadn’t been paid by Mr. and Mrs. Green.
  6. A new hotel will be opened next week.
  7. Important matters are discussed (by our managers) every Tuesday.
  8. The plant was closed last year.

Упражнения начального уровня — это знакомство с грамматической темой, которую надо отработать. Если мы хотим хорошо ориентироваться в страдательном залоге, то начинаем с самого простого – с построения пассивных конструкций.

Итак, раскройте скобки и образуете пассивную конструкцию во времени, которое указано рядом. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The dog (to give) some food in ten munutes. Future Indefinite

2. This picture always (to admire). Present Indefinite

3. The letters (to type) now. Present Continuous

4. The children (to allow) to go for a walk . Present Perfect

5. His leg (to hurt) in an accident. Past Indefinite

6. The museum (to open) in September. Future Indefinite

7. These men (to arrest) yesterday. Past Indefinite

8. This exercise (to do) very carefully. Present Continuous

9. He (to appoint) a new manager of the firm. Present Perfect

10. Furniture (to made) from wood and plastic. Present Indefinite

11. The news (to announce) tomorrow morning. Future Indefinite

12. The box (not to open) for the last hundred years. Present Perfect

13. The article still (to translate). Present Continuous

14. A new metro line (to construct) in our town next year. Future Indefinite

15. The excursion (to organize) well. Present Perfect

16. His granny (to take) to hospital last Saturday. Past Indefinite

17. The Tower of London formerly (to use) as a prison. Past Indefinite

18. A new rule (to explain) now. Present Continuous

19. Her book (to publish) next month. Future Indefinite

20. Two of my dinner plates (to break). Present Perfect

21. These newspapes and journals (to sell) everywhere. Present Indefinite.

22. The short story (to read) aloud now. Present Continuous

23. A big battle (to fight) here 200 years ago. Past Indefinite

24. She (to meet) at the station tomorrow morning? Future Indefinite

25. You (to invite) to lunch tomorrow. Present Perfect

26. This play (to forget) in a few years’ time. Future Indefinite

27. The patient (to operate on) at this moment. Present Continuous

28. The bridge (to built) last year. Past Indefinite

29. My brother never (to beat) at tennis. Present Perfect

30. English (to speak) all over the world. Present Indefinite

31. Trees and flowers (to plant) in the park now. Present Continuous

32. Any questions (to ask) about me? Past Indefinite

33. Your report (to discuss) in two hours. Future Indefinite.

34. The children (to punish) for something they didn’t do. Past Indefinite

35. Milk (to use) for making butter and cheese. Present Indefinite

36. The floor (to wash) in the ckassroom now. Present Continuous

37. His lectures (to listen to) with great interest. Future Indefinite

38. You (to want) to help lay the table. Present Indefinite

39. A pupil always (to praise) when he works hard. Present Indefinite

40. The stolen car (to find) in another town. Present Perfect

Я раскрою скобки, образую формы страдательного залога в соответствующем времени и переведу предложения на русский язык.

1. The dog will be given some food in ten minutes. = Через десять минут собаке дадут поесть.

2. This pictures is always admired. = Этой картиной всегда восхищаются.

3. The letters are being typed now. = Письма сейчас печатают.

4. The children have been allowed to go for a walk. = Детям разрешили пойти погулять.

5. His leg was hurt in an accident. = Его нога была повреждена

6. The museum will be opened in September. = Музей откроется в сентябре.

7. These men were arrested yesterday. = Вчера эти люди были арестованы.

8. This exercise is very carefully being done. = Это упражнение сейчас выполняют очень внимательно.

9. He has been appointed a new manager of the firm. = Его назначили новым управляющим этой фирмы.

10. Furniture is made from wood and plastic. = Мебель делают из дерева и пластика.

11. The news will be announced tomorrow morning. = Эти новости сообщат завтра утром.

12. The box hasn’t been opened for the last hundred years. = За последние сотню лет эту коробку не открывали.

13. The article is still being translated. = Статью все еще переводят.

14. A new metro line will be constructed in our town next year. = В будущем году в нашем городе будет построена новая линия метро.

15. The excursion has well been organized. = Экскурсия была хорошо организована.

16. His granny was taken to hospital last Saturday. = В прошлое воскресенье его бабушку положили в больницу.

17. The Tower of London was formerly used as a prison. = Лондонский Тауэр раньше использовали, как тюрьму.

18. A new rule is being explained now. = Сейчас объясняют новое правило.

19. Her book will be published next month. = В будущем месяце ее книга будет опубликована.

20. Two of my dinner plates have been broken. = Разбились две моих обеденных тарелки.

21. These newspapers and journals are sold everywhere. = Эти газеты и журналы продаются везде.

22. The short story is being read aloud now. = Сейчас читают вслух этот рассказ.

23. A big battle was fought here 200 years ago.

24. Will she be met at the station tomorrow morning? = Ее встретят завтра утром на станции?

25. You have been invited to lunch tomorrow. = Вы приглашены на обед, который состоится завтра.

26. This play will be forgotten in a few years’ time. = Через несколько лет эту пьесу забудут.

27. The patient is being operated on at this moment. = Этого пациента сейчас оперируют.

28. The bridge was built last year. = Мост был построен в прошлом году.

29. My brother has never been beaten at tennis. = Моего брата никогда не побеждали в теннис.

30. English is spoken all over the world. = По всему миру говорят на английском языке.

31. Trees and flowers are being planted in the park now. = Сейчас в парке сажают деревья и цветы.

32. Were any questions asked about me? = Обо мне задавали какие-нибудь вопросы?

33. Your report will be discussed in two hours. = Через два часа будут обсуждать ваш доклад.

34. The children were punished for something they didn’t do. = Детей наказали за то, что они не совершали.

35. Milk are used for making butter and cheese. = Молого используют, чтобы сделать масло и сыр.

36. The floor is being washed in the classroom now. = В классе сейчас моют пол.

37. His lectures will be listened to with great interest. = Его лекции будут слушать с большим интересом.

38. You are wanted to help lay the table. = Хотят, чтобы помогли накрыть на стол.

39. A pupil are always praised when he works hard. = Ученика всегда хвалят, когда он усердно работает.

40. The stolen car has been found in another town. = Украденную машину обнаружили в другом городе.

Методы лечения